Wednesday, May 5, 2010

back to it!

so it's been a serious while and all that while i wasn't doing as much as i hoped and my stress has been way up........ but i'm getting my butt back on track! for the last 2 weeks i've really been watching what goes in my mouth. almost down to zero on the snacking of sugary treats, water intake is up. my vices are coffee and diet coke. i will try to cut back the coffee more as summer warms me up and limit the soda to 1-2 a day. but, here's the really amazing part. I'VE BEEN EXERCISING! pilates, running/walking or both almost every night. i'm scared to weigh in, but i'm feeling better just knowing that i'm trying harder. 15 days to vegas.... i may not reach my original goal, but i've started something that i think i can stick to. yay!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i forget what week it is??

alright.... i think it's week 4, but my brain is fried from everything else going on that i cannot even remember right now! last week i lost 1 whole pound. not a lot, and i feel behind in the scheme of things. it seems to be harder this time? maybe it's the overload of stresses and the impossibility of finding a moment to exercise. i suppose it's not totally impossible, but i've been feeling pretty crappy for the last couple weeks and the boys have been sick too, so at the end of the day, i curl up with a blanket and a book. if only i liked audio books.... i shall try to make myself do something this week!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sick week

so with all the sick going around here, myself, finnian and killian... i totally forgot to weigh in!

i just finished up the 14 day cleanse and it went very well, my water intake is way up and my diet coke intake is almost at zero! i cleaned 2 houses this week, which i count as work out, cause scrubbing and vacuuming an entire house in a few hours works up a sweat. i did not however, get any sort of activity in that required leaving the couch for more than a few minutes for the last 4 days.... but, hey, i read 3 books!

so, for this week, i'm still trying to get past the snotty nose and cough and get the kids well, but i will try to get up and move more often. i looked outside today and i may just have to shovel sometime this week. other than that, i have plans to unstress myself this week with the big worries, and calm back down. hope everyone is having a great week!

i found this article online and it's really great... inspiring and full of ideas. check it out!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

week two... stressed O.U.T!

so it's now week two and i had no progress this week. i maintained the loss from last week, started the colon cleanse, but failed miserably on the plan to include some exercise.

i have two major stress factors eating at me and making me want to eat all sorts of bad things and it's not even the kids! i have resisted for the most part except for some gluten free brownies... i had two and sent the rest of the pan away! i really need to find a way to unstress! i've been reading a lot and that kind of helps, but it's also just sitting on my butt with a blanket.

on the positive side... the cleanse requires me to drink a TON of water. i feel sloshy all day, but i have only had 1, yes 1 diet coke all week. i've kept the coffee to 1 or 2 cups in the morning and instead of adding more in the afternoon, i just heat up my water and drink it straight to warm me up.

so, girls and boys. another week down. lets hope next week is better.... mind and body!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

week one down!

alright ladies and gentlemen.... i did eventually step on that scale last week, and it was pretty scary and a lot disappointing as i had hoped i didn't gain that much back. but alas, that is why we are here again!

good news this week though is that i started out not too bad and have lost 3 of those nasty pounds! yay... i'm putting the credit on eating better. NO MORE COOKIES. lots of veggies and some credit shall have to go to the weather. shoveling and sledding hills = exercise in my book!

so, goals for this week- continue to eat well, and write everything down in my food journal. try out the pilates and yoga dvds that i used to use. also, i bought a cleanse system at walgreens that hopefully will help clear out any of the bad leftovers in my system. (if you want info on the one i got, just let me know... i've used it before and it REALLY works)

good luck to the rest of you! glad we are in this together.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

the first day

alright... thanks allison for the blog link! and here's to another great time losing weight with friends. last time (2 years ago) i lost an amazing 50 pounds and kept it off for over a year. this last year intentions were made to get back on track, but things were hectic and extremely stressful. i started smoking again and everything went down hill.

so 2010... here i come. i want to lose what i gained back (afraid to check the scale) and maybe a little more before the end of may cause i'm gonna want to lay by the pool in vegas and have a reason to buy a hot new swim suit! i kicked smoking back in october, now it's time to get healthy again!

cookies are all given away, there's veggies in the fridge, fruit in the bowl and i just started my food diary and shoveled half the driveway before there was a boot incident and a nose dive off the sled that made me have to go in! i'm going to try and cut down my diet coke and coffee intake and up the water and get into some kind of workout routine at night after the boys are in bed.

good luck to everybody and keep us all updated! it definitely helps to have friends on board!